6 Signs You Need A/C Replacement

 It can be difficult to decide when to invest in an air conditioner replacement. You may want to save some bucks by getting it repaired even when it’s in no shape to operate. This can prove to be detrimental to your health and home structure. If the signs are overlooked, your air conditioner might break down at an unpredictable time, leaving you in a difficult situation.

Be mindful of the following signs and replace your air conditioner if you spot any of them:


1. Higher Energy Bills 

If you are using your air conditioner for the same amount of time on average, compared to the previous months, but the utility bills have been higher than usual, then this should be alarming. It’s an indication that there is something wrong with your A/C. It might have lost its efficiency due to extended use. Consultant an A/C repair and replacement professional promptly.


2. Old Air Conditioner 

Older air conditioners have a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years. As they get exposed to the harsh weather outside, their life expectancy reduces. If you experience voltage fluctuations in your home, then the air conditioning system might be heavily affected.

Regular repairs and cleaning are also essential to extend its life. If your air conditioner gets very old, you might not be able to repair or replace its parts as they become obsolete and you’d have to switch to a newer model.


3. Frequent Repairs

If your air conditioner frequently breaks down and you’re not happy with the performance, it’s better to save the repairing costs and purchase a new one to avoid the regular discomfort.


4. Reduced Airflow

Air conditioners are built in a way that they can release cold air and begin cooling your room instantly after they’re switched on. Even if you haven’t used your air conditioner in a while, it must work properly. If you notice that it’s taking more time to cool your room or releasing hot air, contact a professional air conditioner repairing service.

5. Absurd Noises

It’s unusual if your air conditioner makes weird noises as it’s designed to provide a quiet and peaceful experience. The belt attached inside the system might get out of its place, resulting in some loud noises or a motor may malfunction, causing increased friction in the system.


6. Foul Odors

When you switch on the air conditioner only to have a room full of a musty smell, it’s another sign of a malfunction in the system. It’s best to keep it switched off to prevent the bad smell from spreading inside your house as this can be harmful to you and your children.


Contact Florida Breeze to get your air conditioning up and running at all times in Melbourne. They offer air conditioner repairs and replacements, and you can call them for any of your A/C emergencies as they are available 24/7. 


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